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- Medical Health Care Alternatives -
Knee Pain GONE...Cancelled Surgery 50ish year old male patient walked into the office using a cane because of a deteriorating knee condition. After a 2 hour treatment, he walked out the same day without a cane. At his next doctor's visit, the doctor cancelled his knee surgery because he couldn't find anything wrong. Two years later, he returned to thank me again for helping him and report he still felt great. |
CALL TODAY! 954-330-9425 (c) /
Acupuncture of Greenville, 5003 Edwards Rd., Greenville, South Carolina 29687
At Acupuncture of Greenville Wholistic Alternative Health Care, our goal is to provide the wellness care to our patients. Our focus is to work together with our patients to regain their health and get back to living.
...Makes a GREAT GIFT! for Normal, Acne, Tired/Dull, to Wrinkles and Puffiness...
Below is just a sampling of the health issues that we can help you overcome!
"I Cannot Seem to Get Over My Emotional Issue" We hear this a lot....and we want you to know that many physical dysfunctions are related to emotional blockages. As we move through life, emotionally-charged events have been known to inhibit optimal health and function. By releasing “stuck” emotions, often times pain miraculously disappears. The pain can be only a reminder that there are some unresolved emotional blockages. Ask yourself, "Did I fall or was I physically injured or has this issue developed / gotten worse over-time? Does it flair up and sometimes disappear? These could be indicators that you may have stuck emotions which are affecting your health. NET is an excellent tool to release these emotional blockages.
."~What is NET?,
Acupuncture has been shown to relax and rebalance the body. When there is balance there can be no dis-ease which is why Acupuncture is able to address such a wide range of issues from physical and hormonal to emotional. Does your face look tired, is it losing it's luster, or have you noticed fine lines creeping in? Try Facial Massage and/or Acupuncture to stimulate blood flow to the face, building facial muscles and helping to increase collagen for a more youthful appearance. A minimum of 6-10 weekly session recommended for optimal results. You leave feeling rejuvenated and fabulous! An effective therapy for joint restriction, fascial tightness and addressing the restructuring of scar tissue. Helps release muscular and fascial tissue which is common in pain, physical dysfunction and restricted range of motion. Excellent therapy before deciding to have surgery which could eliminate the need or after surgery to regain full/complete function. Through the electrolyte system, our bodies conduct energy. Specialized Applied Kinesiology test the body’s electrical conductivity and helps uncover energy blockages. Blockages cause imbalance and dysfunction and Specialized Applied Kinesiology is an awesome tool which provides biofeedback information for therapy options. We provide specific massage and muscular therapy that is tailored to meet the patient's condition and injury. Most health issues have an underlying nutritional deficiency. At our office, we provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to enhance the patient's healing process. Utilizing a specialized sequence of the Acupuncture points along with points used for Chakra Alignment which seems to be able to activate the connection between the body's meridian lines (Oriental Medicine) and the axiatonal lines or energetic matrix of the universe. Depending on the actual sequence used, the results seem to affected physical blockages as well as path blockages. If you feel you are in a holding pattern in your life or your health, this is something you might consider. A non-invasive technique to explore possible allergens and eliminate them almost immediately. This system works by holding allergy "stressors" vials on/near the body and using bio-energetic feedback (specialized applied kinesiology) to determine if this is an allergen for your body. This unusual technique works with the body/brain to let go of the allergic reaction to the substance leaving you free to enjoy your life again.
"When the parts and pieces of a system work in harmony with one another, we call this coherence. The greater a system's coherence, oftentimes the greater its efficiency. Measuring this signal of cooperation, or the lack thereof, provides understanding about what may increase or decrease efficiency."
“My main focus is to help patients re-balance their minds and bodies through alternative therapies. The body has the innate ability to heal itself. Through my practice I provide various therapies, information, tools, and advice to the patient so they can achieve their optimal health and regain their lives.” ~ Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT
NEW "10 YRS OFF" Anti-aging facial system
NET Neuro Emotional Technique
Facial Rejuvenation
Neuro-Muscular Manual Therapy
Specialized Applied Kinesiology
Massage Therapy
Nutritional Counseling
Axialtonal Alignment
Allergy Elimination Technique
Zyto and Bio-energetic Therapies